switzerland's first international art fair
solely dedicated to photography.




All rights of the website, the contents, the logo and the pictures reserved. The fair "photo basel" is taking place the first time in 2015. Due to the limmited given time we permanently evaluate the best descicions for our stakeholders. Thats why modifications of the fair-concept are possible at any time without explicit notifications. The website may base on an older version of the fair-concept. Please contact us if you want to know about the latest status.
We do not take any responsability for external links. Please
contact us for further information.
(c) by photo basel GmbH, 2014-2016

general terms and conditions

here you find the last-year general terms and conditions of photo basel GmbH (the latest will be published soon):
photo-basel_AGBs_ENG_150125v6.pdf (PDF, 140 KB).


As we all know, great ideas are like great work of art - the chance to be copied is high. The concept of photo basel is 100% developped by ourself (team of photo basel) and is copyright-protected since January 2014. If you heard from similar or same concepts, please be aware that this has nothing to do with photo basel. For further information please contact pr@photo-basel.com (oct./nov. 2014)

the concept of photo basel is copyright-protected. the slogan "switzerland's first international art fair solely dedicated to photography." is copyright-protected. the logo of photo basel is a copyright-protected.


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next show: june 15 - 19, 2016
© photo basel GmbH  |  info@photo-basel.com